Hi, I am Roman,

wedding photographer based in England (Oxfordshire, UK). I love travel, so wherever you are, I will be there for you.

I want to let you into my photography world, but even more, I would like you to get to know me better, because I believe that when we get to know each other, our cooperation could be more pleasant, full of fun and joy.

What I love?

I love my wonderful wife Martina. She is my inspiration for what I do.

And what I do?

I put into photography whole my soul. I try to be in the shoes of brides, grooms, women, people ...all those who chose me to capture their special moments and understand their needs and what they feel and transfer it into my camera. So when they look on any picture over the years, they get all the memories and feelings from this special moment. 

What brought me into the world of photography? 

When I was young, my father had old film camera and I always watched him how he take pictures. But this was only halfway to the final picture. He also had a "dark room" with all the equipment such as Enlarger or "Red Safe-light". It took ages to get the final photo :) , but I enjoyed every moment with my father and more over I have learned a lot about photography. 

Today we have modern digital cameras and tons of software that helps me be faster and more creative in developing pictures. 

This is only-just a little bit about me. I hope you want to meet me and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via the messenger icon at the bottom right corner-in the lower right corner or send me an email by clicking on button below-the button under "Contact me".